高加州 Valdis Gauss |
助理教授 Assistant Professor |
National Taitung University (ROC)
Graduate Institute of Children's Literature Dissertation:台灣洪水神話研究The Formosan Deluge Myths
Tunghai University (ROC)
Thesis: 台灣 EFL 學生英語慣用語之辨認與理解 English Idiom Identification and Comprehension Strategy Usage by Taiwanese EFL Learners
加利福尼亞大學聖巴巴拉分校語言學系University of California, Santa Barbara (USA) Linguistics
Santa Barbara City College (USA)
1. Formosan Mythology
2. Deluge Myths
3. Shooting the Sun Myths
4. Anthropogenic / Origins / Genesis - Myths
5. Oral Literature
7. History |
gaojiajo@gmail.com |
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Valdis_Gauss/research |
Journal Publications - 學術期刊出版物 |
- Gauss, V. (2023, Nov. 9). Compiling the Austronesian Deluge Myths. PNG Kundu: Papua New Guinea Association of Australia. https://pngaa.org/article/compiling-the-austronesian-deluge-myths/
- Gauss, V. (2023). Origins of the Formosan Ethnonyms. Journal of Culture, Society and Development. ISSN: ISSN 2422-8400 https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JCSD/article/view/61038
- Yasiungu, T., & Gauss, A. V. (2023). The Mysterious Tsou Shaman: The Guardian of Traditional Culture. Taiwan Insight. https://taiwaninsight.org/2023/05/30/the-mysterious-tsou-shaman-the-guardian-of-traditional-culture/
- Gauss, V. (2021). Global Deluge, Theophany and the Ut-napištim-Noah-Oppehnaboon Connection. Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistics. Vol. 83. ISSN 2422-8435 https://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JLLL/article/view/57709
- Gauss, V. (2020). Semantically Incongruent Idiom Comprehension Strategy Usage by Taiwanese EFL Learners. NTTU Journal of Humanities. 20, 6. 63-110.
- Gauss, A. V. (2020). Villains of Formosan Aboriginal Mythology. NCHU Intergrams. 20, 1. (e-journal) http://benz.nchu.edu.tw/~intergrams/intergrams/201/201-gauss.pdf
- Gauss, V. (2019). The Effects of Teacher Praise on Motivation in Literature Circles. NTTU Journal of Humanities. 19, 6. 41-72.
- Liu, Mei-hui., Liao, Yu-wen., & Gauss, A. V. (2017). EFL Learners’ Use of Modifications in Making Requests: Pragmalinguistic and Sociopragmantic Perspectives. NCUE Journal of Humanities, 16, 101-130. ISSN:2305-9761 https://ncuearts.ncue.edu.tw/var/file/26/1026/img/104/283685990.pdf
Published Books - 出版書籍
- Gauss, A. V. (2022). The Formosan Great Flood Myths: An Analysis of the Oral Traditions of Ancient Taiwan. Edwin Mellen Press. ISBN: 1-4955-1041-7 978-1-4955-1041-0
- 林孟寰(華文)、高加州Aaron Valdis Gauss (2020)。服飾上的榮耀—魯凱族口傳故事。國立台灣史前文化博物館。Glory in Costumes—A Rukai Legend. National Taiwan Museum of Prehistoric Culture (Translation & Audio)
- 林孟寰(華文)、高加州Aaron Valdis Gauss (2019) 。獵人的考驗—布農族口傳故事。國立台灣史前文化博物館。The Hunter’s Test—A Bunun Legend. National Taiwan Museum of Prehistoric Culture (Translation & Audio)
- 林孟寰 (華文) 、高加州Aaron Valdis Gauss (2018) 。神秘的口簧琴聲-阿美族口傳故事。國立台灣史前文化博物館。The Mysterious Sounding Jew Harp – An Ami Legend. National Taiwan Museum of Prehistoric Culture (Translation & Audio)
- Gauss, A. V. (Eds). (2018) New Heights – Conquering Listening Comprehension with CNN. Taipei, Taiwan: LiveABC Interactive Corp. ISBN 978-986-441-2273-3
- Gauss, A. V. (Eds.). (2017) 原住民文化的英語教材-國立臺東大學通識教育中心, 英美語文學系, 語文發展中心共同編纂. Taitung, Taiwan: National Taitung University.
- Gauss, A. V. (Eds.). (2015) GEPT Vocabulary and Phrases for the Elementary Level. Taipei, Taiwan: Tang-Ao Book Co., LTD.
- Gauss, A. V. (Eds.). (2015) GEPT Reading Tests for the Intermediate Level. Taipei, Taiwan: Tang-Ao Book Co., LTD.
- Gauss, A. V. (Eds.). (2015) GEPT Listening Tests for the Intermediate Level. Taipei, Taiwan: Tang-Ao Book Co., LTD.
- Gauss, A. V. & Chung, B. Y. (2011). Speak Real English. Taipei, Taiwan: Kuan Tang International Publications.